An unfinished animation masterpiece, restored from its mangled release version to something like the original creator's vision by dedicated fans.
A surprisingly quiet look at life in a west African city occupied by Islamic militants.
Raiders of the Lost Ark: Steven Soderbergh Cut
Steven Soderbergh took the colors and sound out of Raiders of the Lost Ark and put Trent Reznor music over it. The results are surprisingly worth watching.
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner
Here we examine the first feature-length movie filmed entirely in an Inuit language, with an Inuit cast and largely Inuit crew, about an ancient Inuit story.
The Dark Crystal "Director's Cut"
A look at Jim Henson's dark, weird, fantastic vision in an edition that has just been made available by a dedicated fan and restorer.
The New World
Terrence Malick's take on the John Smith/Pocahontas story, with its contemplation of America as a soon-to-be squandered paradise.
Dead Man
A discussion and defense of Jim Jarmusch's "acid western" starring Johnny Depp and featuring questions about violence, America, and death.
This post lays out the "boring movies are good" manifesto and starts the series with an analysis of Tarkovsky's meditative sci-fi classic.
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