Essays from a Christian Perspective

This series collects posts where I am making an argument about something from within Christianity. I rarely spend time on this blog arguing explicitly for a Christian worldview; instead, these posts assume Christianity as a starting point and attempt to argue a point on one subject or another. They may nonetheless be enjoyable for a non-Christian reader with an interest in the subject at hand.

Christian Anarchism: A Response
I respond to the notion that the (Hebrew) Bible is a fundamentally anti-government text.
The Christian Cases for Gay Marriage
I defend gay marriage from a Christian perspective, briefly outlining what I see as the main cases for it as a person of faith.
Why I Am Not A Fundamentalist Christian
An argument against fundamentalism but for Christianity.
The Salvation Army: A Frustrating, Wonderful Church
I lay out the case for being a part of the Salvation Army, a Christian denomination with a rich history and wonderful people but with some ugly problems, too.
The Apocalypse and Dietrich Bonhoeffer
An argument against "End Times" thinking within Christianity, citing the example of WWII-era theologian and Nazi resistor Dietrich Bonhoeffer. 

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